Comisiwn y Cynulliad
Assembly Commission

NAFWC 2011 (Paper 2 Part 1)
Draft Commission Strategy 2011-16


Date:     14 July 2011
Time:    12:00-14:00
Venue: Conference Room 4B
Author name and contact number: Claire Clancy, ext 8233

Revised Draft Commission Strategy 2011-16

1.0       Purpose and summary of issues

1.1.     To consider the Commission’s strategy for the Fourth Assembly.  In the revised draft we have tried to reflect comments from Commissioners at their meeting on 29 June.

2.0       Recommendations

2.1.     That Commissioners comment on the revised draft Statement of Purpose and Strategic Goals in the Annex so that we can ensure that the final version reflects their priorities and ambitions for the Commission.



6 July 2011

Assembly Commission Strategy 2011-16

Statement of Purpose

The National Assembly for Wales is the democratically elected body that represents the interests of Wales and its people, makes laws for Wales and holds the Welsh Government to account.

The Assembly Commission serves the National Assembly to help make it a strong, accessible and forward looking democratic institution and legislature that delivers effectively for the people of Wales.

Strategic Goals

·         Provide outstanding parliamentary support
We will help Assembly Members to fulfil their responsibilities to represent the interests of Wales and its people, make laws for Wales and hold the Welsh Government to account.

·         Engage actively and widely with the people of Wales
We will create an environment that encourages the interest of the people of Wales in the work of the Assembly and facilitates their engagement in the Assembly’s roles of legislating, scrutiny and representation, and the Assembly benefits from the creative energy generated by such engagement.

·         Act as an ambassador for Wales in the wider world

We will make the most of opportunities in the UK and abroad to promote Wales and the work of the Assembly and play our part in the development of parliamentary democracy elsewhere in the world.

·         Reinforce the confidence of Assembly Members and the people of Wales in the way we deliver services and manage costs
We will make good use of tax-payers’ money, and manage resources to deliver a vital public service with improved efficiency and value for money.

In delivering these goals, we will: